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Take for another example the Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture of Jilin Province in northeast China long known as "a land of education." The proportion of college and secondary technical school graduates and intellectuals above the medium grade exceeds the national average level. Schools in ethnic minority autonomies used to seek a high proportion of students going on to colleges. Today, they pay greater attention to serving local economic and social development by training primary and medium-grade professionals and raising the overall educational level of the local people. Ethnic minority autonomies have increased vocational education content at the secondary school stage, made greater efforts to eliminate illiteracy, and developed spare-time primary and secondary education and various kinds of vocational education.
        However, EEMP development lags quite behind educational development of the nation as a whole. Problems afflicting economically underdeveloped areas in remote and frontier regions include inadequate financial input in education, a high student dropout rate, comparatively poor teacher quality and comparatively poor teaching quality. The Ministry of Education is formulating plans and policies for speeding up EEMP, especially elementary education in areas inhabited by ethnic minority people. EEMP-related legislation is being
  speeded up to ensure that EEMP will develop faster in the new century. At the same time, attention is being paid to the development of nationalities institutes and schools, the training of teachers for them, and the promotion of nine-year compulsory education in ethnic minority areas.